Come On, People!

It has become apparent, over the past year or so, that our nation has developed a deep, deep rift, split right down the middle between liberals and conservatives, city dwellers and rural citizens, "haves" versus "have-nots," Christians against non-Christians. This week's presidential inauguration, with its surrounding events, both official and non-official, and the inevitable biased media coverage, both conservative and liberal, have only magnified the unrest that is so prevalent in our country right now. Unfortunately, there seem to be a significant number of people who are doing their best to widen the existing chasm that is separating our beloved America into a mess of fractured camps. On so many levels, it is "us against them," and if you don't believe exactly as we do, you can't possibly be one of us. But, when it comes right down to it, the multitudes of factions are more alike than different. Most groups include law abiding citizens ...