
Showing posts from April, 2022

That Unexpected D Word

I was surprised to see that it's been more than a month since my last blog post. There's a reason for that. As you can see from the title of this blog, the reason starts with the letter D. It's a nasty word that co-exists with a few others, like Danger and Divorce and Death. The word is Dementia . No, I don't have dementia, at least not yet, and I never expected anyone in my family would have dementia of any kind, either. We have little family history of anything resembling Alzheimer's, the most well-known form of dementia. But--and it's a big BUT--Mom has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, with accompanying Lewy Body Dementia, and Dad also has a recent unspecified dementia diagnosis. This picture was taken just a couple of years ago, before any of us realized that dementia would come calling. The brunt of their care has fallen to my sister, Laura, and her husband, Kent, simply because they live the closest. Dan and I, who each live 400 miles away, in