
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Dying Art of Acceptance

It was the day after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, returning abortion regulation to each of the 50 states. Emotions remain strong on both sides of the abortion controversy. In fact, I was surprised to find Facebook posts from two of my friends, one a relative, and the other a former co-worker, each basically stating the same thing: "If your beliefs about abortion don't match mine, you are not worthy to be my friend. Unfriend me on Facebook immediately!"      The interesting thing about this is that these two people, who both claim to be Christian, are on opposite sides of the abortion debate. I did not unfriend either one.  When did people stop trying to truly communicate with each other? When did people stop listening to each others' viewpoints without retaliating viciously? When did things shift in our country, to the point that so many people are unwilling to associate with anyone whose beliefs are different from theirs in any way? In a world where