
Showing posts from October, 2023

Little Lucy LaRae

Little Lucy LaRae Stobel arrived exactly one month ago, on September 7th, at 7:04 in the morning. Lucy weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and, at 19 3/4 inches long, she was the shortest of all of the Stobel babies. She looks a lot like her siblings did at birth, with one glaring exception: She has visible hair. Specifically, she has red hair rather than the blonde hair that is so dominant in the family. Grandpa Bill's genes are coming through at last! Most people look at Lucy's siblings and say that they all look so much alike. Well, they all have blonde hair and blue eyes, but those of us in the family can see that the boys each have their own unique looks, while the girls, especially Lydia and Ruthie, look more alike. I will say that, except for her red hair,  Lucy looks more like her mother's baby pictures than any of the others ever have. The whole family was so excited when Lucy was born. She is greatly cherished by all of her brothers and sisters already. Meagan's first