
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Concert

Bill and I went to a concert last week. This shouldn't be big news. Throughout our married life we have attended dozens of concerts--sort of "together." This may have been the first time, though, that we attended a concert of my choosing. Last week's concert. When we lived in Traverse City, Michigan, Bill was the assistant manager of an ice hockey arena that also hosted several big-name concerts each year. During the summer, when most concerts were held, I helped out in the front office occasionally, organizing files and selling tickets. Bill was sometimes elected to introduce the performer of the evening, but no matter what, he was required to work at every concert, making sure that the entertainers and their entourage had everything they needed. It wasn't always easy, because some of the people were extremely demanding and downright rude. As a perk of Bill's job, we always received free tickets to every concert. I was lucky if Bill got to sit with m

Full Moon Rising

It was already dark last night, when I set off with Jackson for our evening jaunt. We headed east, and had only walked a couple of blocks before I noticed the moon, not quite full, rising above the horizon directly in front of us. There was no way I could have missed it, gleaming brightly in the darkening sky, reflecting the sun's light onto the sleepy town below.  Tonight, just at sunset, I stopped my car to take pictures of Scottsbluff National Monument, right in front of me, as I drove home. No one could miss the pink-tinged, golden splendor of today's setting sun, but how many times do we drive on by, ignoring the beauty of God's creation, wrapped up in the cares of this world? Tonight, I almost missed the moonrise. Jackson and I headed south, and then west for nearly a mile before we turned north. I spotted the Big Dipper, easily visible and recognizable in the sky above me. It seemed, well, BIG , and bright and beautiful, with each individual star gli


All around me, it seems like people are talking about the importance of being "transparent." By this, they mean that we need to stop sharing only the good things in our lives, so we can present a more balanced picture of the struggles we all face from time to time. I understand that honesty is a fundamental value; I truly believe that honesty is still the best policy. I also understand the need to share our experiences, even the negative ones, with people who are going through the same kinds of struggles. It can be greatly comforting to hear how someone else has overcome similar challenges. It is encouraging to share common experiences with people who face the same kinds of daily battles that we do. That's why support groups flourish. When the sun is shining brightly, it's wonderful to let the light in--except when it shines in our eyes. All windows, especially the clearest and cleanest ones, benefit from blinds. Let's face it, though: none of us are sparkling