
Showing posts from June, 2019

My Book

"Grandma, Whatcha Doing?" I'm excited to share the title of my new book,  published by Covenant Books on September 25, 2019. For a long time, I've had the idea, in the back of my head, that I need to write children's books. This book came about one summer afternoon, as I was outside, working in the yard, thinking about what my grandkids would like to do with me as I worked. One thing led to another, and pretty soon I had a whole summer story in mind. Then, when I went inside, I sat down at the kitchen table to cool off with a refreshing root beer float, before picking up my guitar and turning the story into a song. Over the next several days, I began to think about the things my grandchildren like to do with me during the other seasons, and before I knew it, I had written a whole book, set to music, encompassing all four seasons. Then, I added the lyrics/story to the notebook of songs I've written, where it sat for a few years, just waiting until

Walking Wisconsin

It's been nearly three weeks now since Levi and I set out for our adventure in and around Madison, Wisconsin. We started very early in the morning, rising long before the sun was up, at the (almost) ungodly hour of 3:30, so we would arrive at the Scottsbluff airport in plenty of time to catch the 6 a.m. flight to Denver. It should have been gratifying to see that we weren't alone. The airport filled up quickly, and the plane was nearly at capacity, too, for our first short flight. It was still early when we traipsed through DIA, walking, even on the moving floors, riding escalators and the train, until we finally reached our gate and boarded the next flight to Chicago O'Hare. From there, we caught another puddle jumper to the Milwaukee Airport. (Tickets were much more affordable to Milwaukee, rather than Madison, and Erin was willing to drive a little farther to pick us up, so we made the cheaper choice.) I've been to Wisconsin before, first driving through as a tee