
Showing posts from October, 2014

Fall Glasses

No doubt about it, this has been a gorgeous fall in the Nebraska panhandle. October has been filled with balmy, sunny days, most with just a slight breeze to moderate the sun's heat.  Light jackets have been appreciated in the brisk, fall mornings, but shirt sleeves are just fine in the afternoons.  Morning or afternoon, even recess duty has been a pleasure.  The only problem is what to wear when the mornings start out around 40 degrees, but warm up into the seventies by early afternoon. It has been so much fun for my students to rake the leaves into piles that just beg for someone to jump into them.  Even walking or rolling a wheelchair through the leaves has brought smiles of wonder to those little faces.  The sound of crisp leaves crunching underfoot is necessarily short-lived, but quite exhilarating.   This year, we have all been amazed to watch the swirling leaves play tag with the wind just outside our classroom windows.  And, what fun it is to catch a falling leaf

The Shed

We needed to replace our garage door this summer and, as it so often happens, one thing led to another.  We had to clean out the garage so the installers could work in the garage easily.  That is why Bill decided to build a garden shed. I was a little skeptical at first.  I thought we could just throw out some old pots and other stuff we haven't used in years, and reorganize everything in our existing space.  But, Bill was determined to build a shed.   He searched the Internet for a plan, and came up short.  So, Bill drafted his own plan, based on several sheds he had seen pictured online, and got to work.  It would have been quicker and easier to buy a shed from Menards, but the sheds there seemed a little substandard.  There is nothing shoddy about our new shed.  It is fully framed with two-by-fours.  It has sturdy double doors, a raised, dark green wood floor, and a south-facing window, complete with a self-watering window box. Bill even bought some yellow mums for