
Showing posts from January, 2024

Riding Horses to School (or Not)

I was reading an article the other day about a mom in England who let her young daughter ride her horse to school one morning. The mom rode along, too, on her own horse, and led her daughter's pony home afterwards. The main issue with this was the fact that the school children all gathered around the pony, just outside the school gates, to pet the horses. When one entitled eight-year-old insisted that she wanted to ride the other girl's pony, the horses' owner let her know that it wouldn't be safe for her to do that, since she had no helmet or prior experience. Upon hearing that response, the girl's equally entitled mother pitched a fit, insisting that her daughter be allowed to ride and, when that failed, she complained to the school authorities that horses should not be ridden to school unless everyone (especially her darling daughter) was also allowed to ride. I guess that riding horses to school has become a novelty. I've ridden horses since before I could w

A Few Goals for 2024

I didn't plan on spending the first part of 2024 with Covid. I've had a few goals in mind for the New Year, but this kind of illness wasn't really on my radar. Aren't we all supposed to be past this by now? Regardless, this particular Bible verse, from Proverbs 19:21, has been on my mind these last few days: You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.    Isn't that the truth? Or, as Scottish poet, Robert Burns, wrote way back in 1785 in his poem, "To a Mouse," The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.  No matter how carefully we prepare for a particular project, something may go wrong with it, or things may go even better than we had hoped. We can make all the plans we want, but only God knows whether we will prosper or struggle, live or die.  I'm feeling a bit healthier now, and my Covid test was finally negative this morning, so the end seems to be in sight. I rarely make New Year's resolutions, but my forced quar

A Little Covid

Like so many of you, I am tired of hearing about Covid-19. As I look back to 2020 and the intervening years since then, I can't help but think that our government, along with many others throughout the world, may have overreacted, insisting on too many, perhaps unnecessary, restrictions. However, the fact remains that I am currently quarantined at home because, for the first time, I officially have Covid. I would never have known I have Covid except that it morphed into a sinus infection. So, I dutifully made my way to Urgent Care because I knew I would need an antibiotic to get over it. And, of course, I had to have a test to rule out Covid and Influenza A. Except, even though my vaccinations are up-to-date, the test was positive for Covid. My Covid symptoms have been minimal, probably because I’ve been vaccinated: some fatigue, some sneezing, and a headache that won't quit. Initially, I passed off those symptoms as my normal allergy symptoms, aggravated by the windy condition