
Showing posts from April, 2016

Worship Wars

In a perfect Christian world, worship wars would not exist. But we don't really need to be reminded that none of us are perfect. We all sin, even when we compare ourselves to other Christians. For some reason, many Christians behave as though it's perfectly all right to judge fellow Christians who belong to other denominations or independent churches. It is quite natural for us to feel like our own personal brand of worship is the right way, the only right way, to worship God. Here in the US, the traditional camp stands firm in their determination to resist change. The contemporary faction is equally staunch in their resolve to worship God with contemporary music and instruments. Some congregations attempt to satisfy both groups, offering blended services that incorporate both traditional and contemporary forms of worship. Other groups offer multiple services that use a variety of music styles. And that's what this senseless controversy boils down to: the type of music

Chitty Chitty

BANG! BANG! It's quite a story, really. All about a magical car that floats and flies and even brings people together. It was just about a year ago when my son-in-law, Andy, started talking with his co-directors at Gering High School's cast party, following the spring musical. They had promised each other that they wouldn't do it, but they just couldn't help themselves from talking about next year's musical. And just a few weeks later, they had contracted to bring Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to Gering for the 2016 musical.  They had the talented students they needed to pull it off. And they had the dedicated and creative staff that was necessary for such an elaborate production. Andy would be the theatrical director, as he had done for several years already. Shelly would direct the music. And Mr. D would be in charge of set design and construction, lighting and sound, and of course, building the all-important car--all of those invisible behind-the-scene

The Gospel According to Facebook

I rarely write letters any more, and I hate to make phone calls, so Facebook has provided a convenient way for me to communicate with the people I care about. I've found that Facebook keeps me connected with friends and relatives all over the world. That's why I find myself checking Facebook nearly every day. I guess it's inevitable that many of my Facebook friends share their faith, in one way or another, on their walls. From there, it pops up on my news feed. I would expect nothing less from fellow Christians who are excited to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus, as well as the amazing things God is doing in their lives from one day to the next. Some days, I really need to read the Bible verse or encouraging words that someone has shared on Facebook. I often read blogs or articles that my friends have found interesting or uplifting. When people are sick or grieving, I appreciate the opportunity to let them know I care, and that I am praying for them.

"Needs Updating"

I like to watch HGTV once in a while. I am fascinated with the various House Hunters programs, probably because I like to see how people live in other places. I am amazed at the inflated cost of housing in some parts of our country, but I am even more astounded at the expectations of the people on the program who are looking for their dream homes. I mean, even twenty-somethings expect perfection in their first homes. Consequently, some phrases seem to be repeated on every episode: "It's a little small." "The bathrooms need updating." "We really want an open concept." "That popcorn ceiling has to go." "We need at least two walk-in closets in the master, and a five-piece en suite." (Really, has the word, bathroom , gone totally out of vogue?) "We'll have to rip up the carpet and put in hardwood floors." And my favorite, "We can just take down that wall." Take down that wall??? Do they know how much work and