
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Coffee Machines

I stepped outside this morning to run some errands--a brief stop at the vet's office to buy some diet cat food for Charlie, then to the grocery story for milk and bread, and finally to the bakery for doughnuts to surprise the kids.  It was a gorgeous morning, with a breathtaking blue sky and just the hint of a gentle breeze.  Each time I emerged from the pickup, the flawless day reminded me of those perfect Saturday mornings way back in the early 1960's, when our whole family piled into the car to accompany Dad on his errands. To be more specific, I should say that we went along while he serviced his vending machines.   Besides managing the Oxnard Hotel in Norfolk, Dad also managed several coffee machines, like the one pictured below.  Sometimes, he would load one into the back of his pickup so he could drop it off at a new location.  But, usually, he would make his rounds about once a week to refill the machines with cups and everything else that was needed to produce hot co

Alive and Well

I suddenly realized that I haven't posted my blog for a whole month!  Actually, a friend checked in with me to see if everything was okay.  So, I am letting you know that I really am alive and well.  I'm even surviving March quite nicely, thank you.  But life seems to be getting in the way of my blog for the time being. You know, all those little stressers in life that can add up to one big stress mess. March alone can do that to me, but I can't really use that as an excuse this year, because March has brought us beautiful weather most of the time.  My grass is turning green, and the daffodils are blooming.  What more can I ask? I'm happy to be seeing better now than I have in at least a year and a half.  Last month's cataract surgery is behind me, but I'm still in the midst of the multiple eye-drop routine, and I'm still wearing lopsided glasses with one lens missing. I'm hoping to get an "all clear" from my ophthalmologist tomorrow, so