After the Storm
(God) provides rain for the earth; he sends water on the countryside. Job 5:10 Northern Michigan is known for its precipitation, averaging 110 inches of snow every year, and 33 inches of rain. In fact, the sun only shines there 163 days a year, on average. When I taught kindergarten in Traverse City, my students knew how to dress themselves for the weather, wearing one-piece snowmobile suits in the winter, with their hats, mittens, and snow boots, and raincoats and boots whenever it rained. I remember one little, blonde boy named Christopher, all smiles as he came in from the bus one rainy morning, wearing his bright yellow, hooded slicker. He could hardly wait to show me the treasures he had collected while he waited at the bus stop near his house. He thrust both of his hands deep into his coat pockets and gleefully pulled them out again, full of wiggly, slippery worms . Obviously, his mom had sent him outside to wait for the bus while she remained inside where it was dry, w...