Early in the Morning

Early in the morning, before the sun was rising,
The disciples all were mourning; the women still were crying.
Then our Savior arose, arose from the grave;
Was dead, then arose, all people to save from their sins.

Early in the morning, as the sun was rising,
Early in the morning; why was it so surprising
When our Savior arose, arose from the dead?
Our Savior arose, just as He had said He would rise!

Now we sing praise to our God.  We sing praise to the King.
We sing praise to our God now.  Together we sing hallelujah! 
Forever we sing hallelujah!

Early in the morning, as the sun was rising,
Early Sunday morning; just as the sun was rising,
My Jesus arose, arose from the dead.
My Jesus arose, just as He had said He would rise!

Now we sing praise to our God.  We sing praise to the King.
We sing praise to our God now.  Together we sing hallelujah! 
Forever we sing hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!
To Jesus we sing hallelujah!


  1. Sure looks like a song! Did you write a tune for it?

  2. Yes. Maybe someday you can teach me how to do Youtube. :)


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