Life Changes

Have you ever noticed that many people just don't like change?  How quickly we become set in our ways, preferring comfortable routines because "we've always done it this way."  Familiar activities are safe because we know what to expect.  Change feels risky.  Change often requires us to trust in something or someone beyond ourselves. Change may require us to adopt new attitudes and new ways of doing things.  Even a little change, like yet another adjustment in Facebook format, causes much frustration for many people.  And, heaven forbid, if the church should change service times or music styles!

Personally, I like change, at least some of the time.  I think that moving provides a wonderful chance to clean out and start fresh.  However, Bill hates moving so much that he doesn't plan to move ever again, so I guess I'm stuck in this house for a long time yet.  It's a good thing that we like our house, and that it provides the space we need.  However, we're getting ready for a major kitchen remodel, so I suspect that the process involved with this upcoming change will lead to some stress.

Just a year ago, the preschool staff was contemplating our change in location with a huge sense of dread.  None of us appreciated the moving process, but we all love our new, temporary space.  Now, we're looking forward to next year's move to our brand new building with--you guessed it-- more foreboding.  Sure, a new building will be wonderful, but our current spacious location is spoiling us.  We wonder how we can ever adapt to smaller classrooms, even in a beautiful new building.  Ah, we are so fickle.

Bill and I are about to become grandparents for the first time.  This change in our status has caused Bill, in particular, to reflect on yet another life change.  How can we possibly be old enough to be grandparents?  I have to remind him to just look around at all of his former classmates who crossed this threshold several years ago.  For us, as with most people, being a grandparent will just mean that we have a new little person to love--with much less responsibility than parenthood requires.  I think we can handle this change!

As I look around at other family members and friends who are facing major, and even not-so-major, changes in their lives, I realize that change is a normal part of this adventure we call "life," and I'm grateful that God has promised to be with us wherever we go and whatever we do.  He not only makes our life changes possible, He also makes them bearable.  "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."  (Deuteronomy 31:8)  So, next time I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the changes in my life, will someone kindly remind me of those words?


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