My Strength

I'm feeling a little brain-dead, barely motivated to sit down and write this blog.  Since school started almost a month ago, I've hardly had time to breathe.  When can I get off this endless merry-go-round of home visits, preschool classes, assessments, meetings, and appointments?  My morning class is a challenge, overflowing with high needs kids.  Some days, I barely sit down until lunch, when my aides and I just sit and eat, and sometimes hardly talk at all, because we are so exhausted.  My afternoon class is a little smaller, a little older, and a lot less needy, comparatively speaking, but I still need to be on my toes to keep up with them.  So, when I get home from school, I don't feel much like dealing with Levi's latest antics or Victoria's newest drama. 

How I wish I could borrow some of my students' excess energy!  Have you noticed that four-year-olds rarely walk anywhere?  Instead, they run, gallop, hop, crawl, bounce, dance, twirl their way across a room.  During their once-a week P.E. class, my students are perfectly content just running around and around the gym for the whole fifteen minute class.  I feel like telling them to conserve their energy for those times when they will really need it, say, in about fifty years.

Why can't I be like that Energizer bunny that keeps on going and going and going, never slowing down, never tiring, ever optimistic and dynamic?   Where can I get the strength I need to get through these challenging days?  A good night's sleep helps.  Naps help, too, when I can squeeze one in.  Those newly nutritious school lunches, full of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, can't hurt.  But, some evenings, when I'm just too rushed and tired to cook, pizza, delivered to my door, seems like a real God-send.

But God gives me so much more than pizza!  I know I could never accomplish anything of value without God's help.  Every morning, throughout each day, and again every evening, I turn to him, the real source of my strength, the one who gives me hope, who renews my energy so I'm ready to face whatever each day brings.  Without him, I can do nothing,  With him, anything is possible.   

The joy of the Lord is my strength!  (Nehemiah 8: 10)


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