
So, that little gas bubble is still there, hovering harmlessly in my left eye, too small to continue its job as a band-aid for the surgical incisions in my retina.  When I tilt my head down, just a little bit, I can see the whole thing, floating there in the center of my vision, like a little round ball edged in black.  If I look through the bubble, I can tell what I am seeing through it, like looking at an object underwater.  When I gaze ahead normally, I still see the top of the bubble; I can see most of the room above the bubble now, although it's quite blurry even with my glasses on.  Little black floaters dart about in my periphery like annoying little gnats, disturbing my solitude.  Lines that should be straight appear to be wavy, and the space above the gas bubble shimmers, with rays of light spreading from its surface like the rays on a child's colored yellow sun. 
gas bubbles : heart of the bubbles in a glass of champagne, romantic background
For the time being, it is less distracting for me to walk outdoors, or read, with my offending left eye shut tight.

Since it is too small to do it's original job, it seems to me that my little gas bubble has found a new job for itself--it has become my own, personal level.  You know what a level is, a tool that shows a carpenter whether his handiwork is straight and plumb like it should be.  My private level moves whenever I do, sliding from one part of my eye to another as I tilt my head, reminding me that it is there, ready to indicate whether I am facing the world head on or lying down on the job.  
I am thankful that I only have one gas bubble in my eye.  And I am glad that it will be completely gone in a couple more days.


I think that God has given each of us our own personal, permanent level, not in one of our eyes, but within our entire being.  Sometimes we call it our conscience.  If we pay attention, our conscience reminds us when we stray from the good that we should do.  Additionally, God has given us the law, found in his ten commandments. Martin Luther said that the law acts as a curb to help control violence in our world, a mirror to show us our sin, and a guide to show us what we should do and not do to lead a God-pleasing life.  The law doesn't introduce us to Jesus, our Savior, but it certainly shows us how much we need him.
  gas bubbles :   bubbles in the blue water, abstract background
Sometimes, we are tempted to close our eyes to shut out the influence of the law in our lives; we try to ignore the urging of our conscience to do what's right, just as I shut my left eye so I can better concentrate on the things I want to do.  But when we open our eyes again, our conscience is still there, nudging us to turn back to God and pay attention to his law.

Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.  Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.  Psalm 119: 34-35


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