Grandma's Basement--And Mine
As I trudged down to the basement the other day, to wash yet another load of laundry, I glanced at the boxes piled high, and the clutter scattered around, and the cobwebs in the windows, and I nearly shuddered with the thought--this is turning into my Grandma's basement! Not the farmhouse cellar. That dank hole under the house could hardly be called a basement. It was just a one-room cellar, lined with shelves of home-canned beans and peaches and jelly. I suppose the potatoes and onions were kept down there, too. I seem to remember a sloping, outside cellar door, which opened to reveal a steep, treacherous staircase, without any sort of hand rail, and a dirt floor. One tiny, cobweb-covered window let in a small amount of light, just enough to find the right jar of vegetables for supper. I only remember going down into that cellar once or twice, to seek shelter from threatening weather. It wasn't a place where anyone wanted to linger. Grand...