Stand Up!

I remember one church service, when I was a girl, when the congregation was singing "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus," sitting down!  I remember desperately wanting to stand up, hoping against hope that Pastor Bangert would notice his oversight, and stand up.  Then, the congregation would surely follow his lead, and jump to their feet.

It didn't happen.

Some songs demand that we stand.  However, pastors and worship leaders sometimes become preoccupied with their thoughts, or they become so wrapped up in the act of worship that they forget that they have neglected to instruct the rest of the worshipers to stand with them.  So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, when you and the entire congregation are sitting for a song that is best sung standing, I am giving you permission to stand.

I know, I know, I don't really have any authority about this.  But, you do.  Just think what might happen if you decided to stand up and keep singing fervently. I'll bet the people around you would follow your lead, and pretty soon the whole congregation would be standing with you.

As a child, I wasn't brave enough to stand up when everyone else was sitting. These days, I don't often sit with the congregation during worship, and it's kind of hard to get up from my stool while I'm playing bass.  Still, there are times when I just wish the worship leader would remember to direct everyone to stand, as they are able.  It's enough to make me wish for a secret signal among the worship team members, or a miked headphone system so we could communicate with each other when necessary.

So, that leaves it to you, the ones who are sitting in the pews.  Sometimes, worship dictates that we stand.  We don't have to wait for a leader to direct us to worship fervently.  Our God is certainly worthy of all our praise, so, the next time you feel like standing for worship, go ahead.  Be brave.  Watch and see who follows your lead.  I'm sure you won't be standing all alone.


For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen. 
Romans 11:36


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