Alive and Well

I suddenly realized that I haven't posted my blog for a whole month!  Actually, a friend checked in with me to see if everything was okay.  So, I am letting you know that I really am alive and well.  I'm even surviving March quite nicely, thank you.  But life seems to be getting in the way of my blog for the time being.

You know, all those little stressers in life that can add up to one big stress mess.

March alone can do that to me, but I can't really use that as an excuse this year, because March has brought us beautiful weather most of the time.  My grass is turning green, and the daffodils are blooming.  What more can I ask?

I'm happy to be seeing better now than I have in at least a year and a half.  Last month's cataract surgery is behind me, but I'm still in the midst of the multiple eye-drop routine, and I'm still wearing lopsided glasses with one lens missing. I'm hoping to get an "all clear" from my ophthalmologist tomorrow, so I can finally replace that missing lens with the bifocal that I need.

A couple of weeks ago, I stopped to talk to a contractor friend after choir practice, and found out that he had time RIGHT NOW to remodel our bathrooms.  So, the last few days have been a whirlwind of choosing fixtures and paint colors.  The downstairs guest bath is done, and the upstairs bathroom is well on its way, but we can look forward to at least a couple more weeks of bathroom disruption.  I'm glad to say that Jim is doing a fabulous job.

Track season has begun, along with weekly spaghetti suppers for the fifteen pole vaulters that Bill coaches.  Bill has been swamped with after school practices, and with moving the pit indoors and then back outside again.  Their hard work has already paid off, though, with good performances at their first meet yesterday.

We have all been sick--even Bill and Levi, who are rarely under the weather.

Levi has had more than his share of homework and accompanying homework angst.

Victoria has been working hard at her last semester of high school, and has been looking ahead to figure out what the future holds.  In the meantime, Meagan took some amazing senior pictures, we're about ready to send out graduation invitations, and we found the perfect prom dress (and shoes) today.

I've finally finished all thirty spring home visits--whew!  I enjoy meeting with my preschool families in their homes, but it does take a lot of extra time after school and on weekends.

We have been sorting stuff to come up with an inventory, so we can get closer to settling Aunt Ellen's estate.  Her memorial service is planned, so we will be making a trip to Bloomfield before too long.

And besides all of this, I've decided to retire at the end of this school year.  I'm still thinking hard about what I need to do next because, as I told Bill, this doesn't mean I'm retiring from life.  I'm just cutting out one not-so-little stresser. It will be interesting to see where God leads me next.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1


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