Baby Out!

It was my second trip to the hospital to see Meagan and Grandbaby #4. As I entered the room, two-year-old Lydia yelled at me, "Out, out!" I looked to Meagan for a translation. As it turns out, what Lydia really meant was, "The baby is out of Mommy's tummy!"

During the three days since then, I've heard Lydia tell several people, "Baby out!" She holds that new baby as often as anyone will let her. When she is playing, and looks up to see him, she starts giggling, pointing at him, shouting "Baby!" or running to give him a hug or kiss. It's obvious that Lydia loves her baby brother.

Evie, too, loves to hold the baby, and pat his tummy. Tobin doesn't seem to be as excited as the girls, but he keeps bringing one of his favorite stuffed animals, laying it close to, or even on top of, the baby, before running off to play, not stopping even long enough to have his picture taken.

This newest Stobel baby is already cherished.

Arden James Stobel was born on Thursday, June 14th, at 7:32 p.m. The day will come, in just a few years, when he will assume that all of those American flags are flying just for him.

Little Ari (rhymes with sorry) put in his appearance just one day after his due date, and two days before Meagan's midwife was scheduled to leave for Europe. At 6 pounds 11 ounces, he was a little smaller than two of his siblings were at birth, but a few ounces bigger than Evie’s birth weight. I'm told that he cried for twenty minutes straight, right after he was born, but he has hardly cried at all since then.

He bears some resemblance to his siblings, but it's hard to tell yet if he will look more like one than another. I think he will just be his own person.

Right now, Ari's hair is light brown, but Meagan thinks it will soon fade to the blonde of his brother and sisters. Because he sleeps so well, we don't get to see his dark blue eyes very often. He seems to be all arms, with big hands and long fingers, just like Grandpa Bill's, and good sized feet with long toes. He sleeps often and easily, and seems to be content most of the time. That's a good quality for the baby in a relatively large, noisy family.

And so, we are all rejoicing in this magnificent gift God has given. I plan to snuggle with Ari as often as I can this summer, because babies just don't last long enough. Before we know it, he will be rolling over, and sitting alone, and then running after his brother and sisters. They have grown up so fast, and he will, too. When it comes right down to it, I guess we wouldn't have it any other way.

For you (God) created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139: 13


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