From Our House to Yours

From Our House to Yours: Merry Christmas!

The house is decorated, inside and out. The presents are under the tree, or in the mail. Levi's band program is a wrap--he played the timpani well. Tobin and Evelyn sang enthusiastically for their Christmas program at church. I've helped the grandkids make some gifts. We've gone caroling. The Christmas Eve practice is scheduled, and family Christmas plans have been made.

Now, it's time to reflect on the highlights of this past year, so I can share them with you.

Erin was hired as Assistant Professor of Musicology at the University of Wisconsin in Whitewater, so she and Reed, who celebrated their first wedding anniversary in November, pulled up stakes in Cheyenne, and bought a house in Madison, Wisconsin. Reed is working as the Director of Advancement Services at Edgewood College in Madison. They both like their new jobs, and are enjoying their new location.

In August, they joined us for a vacation in beautiful Jamaica, where this photo was taken.
Meagan and Andy, and the kids, have been able to visit the family ranch, north of Gordon a couple of times this year. This photo was taken there, several weeks before Arden James Stobel put in his appearance on June 14th. Meagan has been homeschooling the oldest kids, while Andy continues to teach German and English at Gering High School.

This is the first picture I took of all four grandchildren. Tobin is six, for another month yet; Evelyn just turned five; Lydia is almost three, and Ari is six months old. Tobin and Evie both take violin lessons. They love reading and learning. Lydia wants to do everything her older siblings do, so she already knows the letters and sounds of the alphabet, and writes her name pretty well for a not-quite-three-year-old. The three older ones come to my house every Tuesday morning while their Mom works as the part-time pastoral assistant at our church. We usually work on an art project and other fun stuff that only happens at Grandma's house.

Levi is fifteen now, and has graduated from homeschooling. (Whew!) He attends the Gering Freshman Academy this year, where he is doing reasonably well. He is the only percussionist for the ninth grade band, so that keeps him moving. He loves to write remarkably good poetry, listen to music on his i-pod, and play Minecraft. He and his friend, Josh, play computer games together and walk around town when the weather is decent.

This year, Levi got to celebrate his birthday in Montego Bay.
Victoria, shown here at the ranch with Evie, loves her nieces and nephews, and animals of any kind. She works in the nursery at church, and house-sits occasionally for friends. Her boyfriend, Caleb, has taught her how to shoot proficiently at his family-owned gun range. Together, they like to go fishing, work on various do-it-yourself projects, and take care of his family's menagerie of pets.

(Victoria does not like to have her picture taken, so this is the best I could do this year.)

Bill and I attended both of our High School Reunions this summer. It was great to catch up with friends we don't get to see too often. And, we enjoyed our first real family vacation in a long time. (It's wonderful to have generous friends who allow us to use their Jamaican condo.)

Bill loves his work. He has been traveling more for business, and continues to add challenging projects to his already full schedule.

This year, I'm excited to announce that I've written a children's book, called Grandma, Whatcha Doing? which has been accepted for publication by Covenant Books. You can watch for it on Amazon or in book stores nationwide, sometime next summer.

Christmas is such a busy time for all of us. I've found that it is important to take time to be still, to pray, and to praise the One whose birthday we celebrate in just a few days. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and may your New Year be filled with the hope, joy, and peace that is found in our Savior, Jesus. 

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given...
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6


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