
Today, on the day traditionally known as Maundy Thursday, I finally learned the true meaning behind the day's label. I am surprised to learn that  "Maundy" means "commandment." The word “Maundy” was originally an Anglo-French word derived from the Latin “mandatum,” which translates as “commandment.” After Jesus washed his disciples' feet on that eventful evening, he gave them a simple, new commandment to "Love one another. As I have loved  you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34)

When I googled the word just now, I found that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "Maundy" as "a ceremony of washing the feet of the poor on Maundy Thursday." I suppose that the meaning has changed over the years to reflect popular practices, although I've never been present for a foot-washing ceremony on the Thursday before Easter. All these years, as I've celebrated Communion with my church family every Maundy Thursday, I've assumed that the word "Maundy" must refer to the commemoration of the Lord's Supper.

After Jesus gave his disciples the bread, and then the wine, he admonished them to "Do this in remembrance of me." Like most Christians, I have always surmised that he meant for us to continue celebrating the Lord's Supper together as we remember his death and resurrection. But now, I am beginning to think he meant much more than that.

We need to stop overlooking the sentence above that begins "As I have loved you..." It's because of Jesus' great sacrifice for us that we, too, need to love each other, not out of a sense of duty or self-righteousness, but simply because he loved us first and best.

So tonight, as we partake of the Lord's Supper again with our Christian brothers and sisters, let's be sure to remember everything Jesus did for us when he bore our sins and died in our place. And let's remember that new commandment he gave that night. Let's all seek to love one another, purposefully, wholeheartedly, just because we love Jesus, who showed us how to love.

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13

I was still in high school when I wrote the following Communion song. Even then, I could see how people become so engrossed in the details of our daily lives that we forget to take time to remember just how much Jesus loves us. In fact, he loves us so much that he has given each of us a lifetime to share his love with the people around us. (Please click the link at the bottom if you want to hear this song.)


Remember the words He spoke to you;
Remember the songs He sang with you; 
Remember the prayers He said for you;
Then, He gave His life. 

More than the sins He took for you
When He bore Calvary's cross for you, 
Even more than the love He gives to you,
He gave His life. 

He gave His life; He gave His life; He gave His life! 

Along with the body given for you, 
And the blood He shed for you, 
He gave everything He had for you 
When He gave His life. 

He leaves more than the bread He blessed for you, 
And more than the wine He gives to you, 
Even more than the peace He leaves with you,
He leaves you life. 

He gave His life; He gave His life; He gave His life! 

You gave Your life; You gave Your life;
You gave Your life, and we thank You!


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