Ode to #29

It's Leap Day, that extra day, every four years, When February 29th arrives, to great cheers, Especially from those poor, sad souls Who haven't celebrated an actual birthday in one thousand, four hundred sixty days. WHEW! That overdue, "Happy Birthday" song must be music to their ears. How did Caesar figure it out, more than 2,000 years ago? No calculators, no adding machines, No computers to help them make sense of their schemes. But those Romans were smart, when they added a day To the month of February, in just this way, to make the calendar right. So if you're grateful for Leap Day, you know who to thank-- Some intelligent Romans from Caesar's think tank. It's Leap Day, at last, Still waters run deep day, Don't be a creep day, Earn your own keep day... As you sow, you also shall reap. A supernumerary day, extra special in every way, But it is what you make it, nothing more. Think of the treasures that might be in store....