The Crescent Roll Can

A couple of weeks ago, I bought a can of crescent rolls, like the one pictured, and put it in the refrigerator, so I could make some Tostada Pie, which uses crescent roll dough as the crust. I noticed the can in the fridge just a few days ago, and decided to make Tostada Pie the next day. Imagine my surprise when I opened the refrigerator to get the can of dough, only to find that it was missing!

I looked everywhere--behind the romaine lettuce, on the door shelves with the ketchup and milk, even in the vegetable crisper, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I pulled the freezer drawer open, and checked carefully, just in case the cylinder had rolled itself down into the freezer, but still no luck.

Next I asked Victoria, and then Levi, if they knew what had happened to it, but they both insisted they didn't have a clue about the whereabouts of the missing crescent rolls. I texted Bill, but he didn't know where it was, either, even though he remembered seeing the roll can just a couple of days earlier.

I guess the crescent rolls vanished into thin air or, perhaps, they ran away, just like that fabled gingerbread man. 

"Run, run, as fast as you can,
You can't catch me,
I'm the Crescent Roll Can."

I suppose, though, that the can would roll instead of run--out of the fridge when someone was scrounging for food, across the kitchen floor into the entry, and out the door, just like that sly cat, Kid, who bolts for the great outdoors whenever anyone leaves the front door open for more that a few seconds.

Even the gingerbread man was spotted, and chased, as he made his escape from the old woman's kitchen, so it is strange that no one in my house noticed an errant crescent roll can rolling across the floor. Unless...

Maybe one of the cats spied it there on the floor, and decided to bat that spendid new toy across the living room carpet, under the couch. I haven't looked there yet...

No, it isn't there, either. It will have to remain a mystery.

"I've run away from a little old woman and a little old man,
A young woman and a half-grown teen,
A fluffy, little dog, and two sneaky cats,
And I can run away from you, I can."

I do have a hunch about what really happened. I won't point any fingers, but I will just mention that kids who are adopted out of foster care often come with baggage, including an overwhelming need to secretly hoard food, so they can feed themselves if the adults in their lives fail to provide for them. Any sudden change, like the disruption caused by COVID-19, with the resulting cancellation of school and recommendation to stay home for several weeks, can trigger behaviors like hoarding food, or even eating an entire can of dough in one sitting. 

My family will survive the loss of one can of crescent rolls, but many families find themselves in crisis right now, with their lives turned upside down from the sudden school closures and loss of income. Please join me in praying for those families who might not have enough to eat. Better yet, let's check up on our neighbors, and make sure they have everything they need.

If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. 1 John 3:17-18

I'll probably never know who made off with the crescent rolls. Maybe, like the sly old fox who merely pretended to rescue the gingerbread man from his pursuers, before eating him--maybe someone at my house decided to rescue that ill-fated can of crescent rolls from its destiny with a hot oven, before it could become the main course for our evening meal.

Or maybe, someone just preferred to have tacos for supper that night.


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