Gideon's Legacy

A Gideon gave a short presentation at church on Sunday. That's not unusual. Every church I've ever attended has welcomed representatives from The Gideons International at least once a year.

The Gideons International began in 1908 as an association of Christian businessmen who began placing Bibles in hotel rooms. Their outreach expanded from there, providing billions of Bibles, in more than 100 languages, to school children, nurses, prisoners, members of the military, and other people all over the world, in almost every facet of life.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

I remember receiving a maroon Gideon New Testament when I was a fifth grader. All of my children came home from school with Gideon New Testaments, as well.

When Bill and I visited India, I was pleased, but not surprised, to find an English language Gideon Bible in our hotel's nightstand drawer, right next to a prominent Hindu book.

When I needed a Bible to use for my five years of Saturday school classes at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairbury, Mom went to the maids' closet in the hotel she and Dad managed, and got me a red Gideons' Bible from the stack there that was used to replenish missing or worn hotel room Bibles.

That's the thing about Gideon Bibles: the people who distribute them don't care who uses them, as long as God's Word is made available to anyone who needs it. I am quite sure it is impossible to steal a Gideon Bible, because each one is meant to be used by whoever wants to read it.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I have a six-year-old great-nephew who happens to be named Gideon. His family legacy includes many relatives who have believed that God's Word, as written in the Bible, is essential for everyone--for those who claim to be Christians, and for those who haven't yet heard the story of Jesus. I wonder if our Gideon will grow up to be a part of the Gideon organization that passes out Bibles...

A copy of this leaflet was placed in every bulletin at our church on Sunday. Anyone who wants to can donate to The Gideons International--you can probably pick up a similar flyer at your own church, or just look up the Gideons and donate online. One full-sized Bible costs just $5.00. That's a bargain, for sure.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. 
Isaiah 40:8


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