A Few Goals for 2024

I didn't plan on spending the first part of 2024 with Covid. I've had a few goals in mind for the New Year, but this kind of illness wasn't really on my radar. Aren't we all supposed to be past this by now? Regardless, this particular Bible verse, from Proverbs 19:21, has been on my mind these last few days:

You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.  

Isn't that the truth? Or, as Scottish poet, Robert Burns, wrote way back in 1785 in his poem, "To a Mouse," The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. No matter how carefully we prepare for a particular project, something may go wrong with it, or things may go even better than we had hoped. We can make all the plans we want, but only God knows whether we will prosper or struggle, live or die. 

I'm feeling a bit healthier now, and my Covid test was finally negative this morning, so the end seems to be in sight. I rarely make New Year's resolutions, but my forced quarantine at home has given me plenty of time to think about some goals for 2024. There are several things I would like to accomplish in the next year or so, but I'll have to let you know in 2025 if I was able to accomplish anything I planned for 2024, or if God has something completely different in mind for my future.

So, here, in no particular order, is a list of some of my current goals for 2024:

I need to maintain my walking, exercise, dietary, and therapy regimens so my physical health remains good enough for me to actually accomplish some of these goals.

I plan to read through the entire Bible again throughout the coming year, this time using the Chronological Bible Plan on YouVersion.

I want to finish writing my current book, a memoir entitled The Hotel Kids, and start on a children's book called What is God?

I need to market my most recent children's book, Shine!, to coincide with Easter and this April's total eclipse that will be visible across much of the USA.

I want to go camping several times with my family.

I hope to see Erin's family often enough that I don't miss out on Anna's babyhood, or Will's growth.

I want to spend some time in Fairbury so Laura and I can finish sorting through a mountain of photographs, as well as Dad's collections.

I need to give Bill the support and help he needs as he and his sister decide what to do with his dad's belongings, and as he works on a new building project.

I hope to finish some home improvement projects soon.

I need to offer emotional support and help to each of my kids and their families, and several friends, as they need it.

I want to write a few more songs, and continue to sing and play bass for worship at my church.

I need to keep ahead of the garden this summer.

The list is a little longer than I would like, but that's typical. It would certainly be easier to plan for the coming year if I knew a little bit about what the future holds, but it's better that some things take us by surprise. No matter how many times I write "I need," or "I want," or even "I plan," I know that God is ultimately in charge of my future. No matter what happens, I know that God will walk with me each step of the way, and that's enough.

God’s way is perfect.
All the Lord’s promises prove true.
He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.
Psalm 18:30


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