Living in the Moment

As I've been walking this week, enjoying the last mild days of autumn, I can't help but dread the long, cold days ahead. Even though this fall has been beautifully balmy, I know what's coming, and I'm not looking forward to it.



Fall might have to be my favorite season if it only lasted longer, and if it didn't lead, inevitably, to winter!

I love the crunching sound of the fallen leaves as I swish my way down the winding path. I wish I could enjoy it like I used to, when I was a young child who didn't know what foul weather was just around the corner.

I love the majestic Cottonwoods' golden leaves, brightening even the dreariest, drizzly days of autumn. But, it's hard for me to appreciate them as I should, when I know that drizzle will soon give way to sleet and snow.

Even worse, I dread the coming of the Brown, when there is not even any snow to add a touch of brilliance to our dull winter landscape.

But then, God reminds me that I can become like a little child again, trusting him for the future, even in the cold, drab, wearisome days of winter. I can anticipate the abundance of family birthday celebrations over the next three months, and Thanksgiving and Christmas, when we gather to celebrate all that he has given us. I can trust the Light of the World to brighten the dreariest days ahead.


When I remember to live in the moment, praising God for the beauty of his creation right now, in the fall, he reminds me that he will stay with me even when the world seems less beautiful. He will help me see the hidden beauty, even in the Brown season that lies ahead--

--and, in our gorgeous, Nebraska sunsets, which span the seasons.

So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. 
Matthew 6:34 NLT


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