This Old World

It was the first day the bridge was closed on the Scottsbluff/Gering Highway, and I told myself, as I climbed into my car, to remember to turn left at the stop sign. But, wouldn’t you know it, I turned right instead. And in the midst of my turning the wrong way, I started singing a line of music I had never heard before: “It’s gonna take some time to change my muddled mind.”

I took that as a sign from God that it was time to write a new song. As I mulled that over, I realized that a lot of us are dealing with much harder changes than an annoying bridge closure. 

I had to turn around and head towards this bridge instead, 
one of only three others that crosses the North Platte River between Gering and Scottsbluff.

Life has been difficult this year for many who have been dealing with accidents or injury, illness, retirement, grief, or one of numerous other unexpected struggles. It doesn't help that the world around us is evolving in ways we never thought possible, with drastic weather episodes, economic turmoil, global political unrest along with a contentious US election, and the ever-present wars and rumors of wars. In the face of so much uncertainty, I realized that we can’t expect to alter our thoughts and attitudes instantly as we attempt to keep up with the changes around us. It will take some time, and that’s okay.

Romans 12:2 says this: Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Don’t worry if it’s taking longer than you think it should for you to come to grips with the changes in your life, and in our world. For God is working in you, (and he will keep working, for as long as it takes,) giving you the desire and power to do what pleases him. (Those words are found in Philippians 2:13.)

Click on the link to hear this song, called This Old World, or scroll down to read the lyrics. I hope it will give you a little hope for our troubled times.

This Old World

This old world makes me weary, with chaos all around;
Depravity, disdain, politics, and pain.
There’s no peace to be found…in this world.

In the midst of my affliction, my suffering and grief,
The people all around me are plagued with unbelief.
There’s no hope to be found…in this world.

It’s gonna take some time to calm my muddled mind.
It’s gonna take some time to change this heart of mine.
It’s gonna take some time.

I can’t copy the behavior and customs of this earth.
My God will transform me, remind me of my worth.
He’ll change the way I think…in this world.

But it’s gonna take some time to calm my muddled mind.  
It’s gonna take some time to change this heart of mine.
It’s gonna take some time.

I know the time will come when all will be made new.
Until then, my hope in Jesus will have to see me through.
He gives me all I need…in this world.

But it takes a little time to calm my muddled mind.
It takes a little time to change this heart of mine.
It’s gonna take some time.

But then, the day will come: I’ll leave this wretched place.
I’ll soar to heaven above, and meet my Savior face to face.
He’ll bathe me in his grace…out of this world.

No more chaos, no more shame, no confusion, no more blame,
No more fear, no unbelief, no guilt, no greed, no sin, no grief;
There’s grace and mercy, endless love 
With God Almighty in heaven above…out of this world.
Out of this world…out of this world.


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