By the Numbers

It had been years--decades, really--since I last worked on a paint by number project. I hadn't planned to do one now, but I wanted inexpensive turtle artwork, in just the right colors, for my updated primary bathroom. I checked on Amazon, and found that the artwork I liked the best was more than $200. I didn't want to spend that much on a bathroom turtle, no matter how much I liked it, but the less expensive options were too small for my space, or too subdued, or just plain ugly. Then, I came across a paint by number option that I truly loved.

I thought about it for a few days. I could have painted my own turtle without much difficulty but, during the holiday season, that would have required more brain power than I had left after shopping, making travel plans, and organizing a myriad of activities, including our 50th anniversary celebration. So, I decided to try this paint by number.

Almost done

I ordered the kit from Amazon, and waited impatiently for it to arrive. I opened it up one Tuesday morning, in mid-November, so the four oldest grandkids could help with it. They painted the largest areas that day, using the brushes and paint that came with the kit. Some kids painted precisely, staying in the lines, while others were not so accurate. But it didn't matter at all, because this particular depiction was very forgiving, especially with the water. Who cares if a little bubble here or there isn't the exact shape indicated by the outline on the canvas?

I sat down later that week and worked on it, one color at a time. It was a bit of a challenge to find all the numbers, since they were stamped rather faintly on the canvas, but I had both a color photo and a printed diagram to help me. 

Bill worked on it one evening, just to say he had helped, but he found the work somewhat tedious.

I worked on this project off and on for several weeks, putting it aside when we traveled to Ohio for Thanksgiving, and again when I was too busy at Christmas time to do anything other than Christmas-related stuff. After Christmas, I suddenly had plenty of time to devote to finishing my turtle, with the TV on in the background to temper the monotony that comes with such a project.

Painting my own freehand turtle would have been more creative, and hence, more interesting to work on, and it would have taken less time. But I enjoyed the whole paint by number process anyway, and was pleased that so many family members had a hand in it.

And now it is done, framed, and hanging on my bathroom wall. I smile whenever I see it, even on the dreariest January days.

Sometimes it's nice to have a template to follow. That is true for many things in our lives. Certain things are easier when we have a pattern, or at least some basic instructions. For just that reason, YouTube how-to videos have been a welcome innovation. Following step-by-step directions can make an overwhelming project possible. Using a tried and true recipe will usually produce edible baked goods. A map, whether printed or digital, can lead us in the right direction with little need for route correction. 

God has given us an instruction book, the Bible, to provide a guide for our lives. If you've never read the whole thing, you should--there are plenty of easy-to-read versions and convenient apps to help you get started. You will be amazed at the wealth of information and inspiration you find there. 

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. 
Romans 15:4

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 
2 Timothy 3:16

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. 
Psalm 119:105


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