No Crutch

There are a significant number of people who would say that my trust in God is a crutch, a kind of dependence, or even weakness, that they can do without.  How my heart aches for them!  I can no more do without God than I can live without air to breathe or pure water to drink.

I'll admit that there have been some difficult times in my life when I've tried to live without God.  I was miserable.  I had no peace.  I had no real help for my troubles.  Life lost its flavor.  My joy was gone.  I had no choice--I surrendered myself to God again because, with him, life is good.

I don't know how people survive in this world without God's grace.  In the last week alone, I've seen several examples of God's loving care for the people I know.  He heard his people's pleas, and provided rain for the parched earth.  He melded together the music of new and veteran musicians, gently nudging them to lead his people in praise.  He provided safety for those who traveled.  He has readily forgiven those who asked.  He is ready to heal the sick.  He is there to comfort those who grieve. 

That's the whole crux of it, really; he is there.  He is always there, even when we are unaware of his presence.  He has not promised that we will not have hard times.  In fact, hard times are practically guaranteed, because we are sinful people who live in an imperfect world.  He hasn't promised that our lives will be easy, but he does promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us.  What an amazing gift!  I can't really grasp the magnitude of God's presence.  Why should he even want to stay with me?  Yet, he invites me to come to him.  He loves me just as I am, he forgives me, and he welcomes me into his presence, all because of Jesus' great sacrifice for me and all people.

I invite you to sing with me:

I come into your presence; I submit myself to you. 
I long to be with you today and all days. 
I come into your presence, Lord, beseeching only you.
I seek to serve you now, today, and always.
I want to worship you forever, always; always.

Not by myself, but at your bidding I come to you.
I seek your face; I need to know you more.

Not by my power, but by your Spirit alone, I can come.
I seek your face; I live to love you more.

Not by my strength, but by your grace alone, I can come.
I seek your face; I want to praise you more.

I come into your presence....


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