The Hunt

When you are a toddler, everything is new and exciting, and sometimes a little scary.  Even brightly-colored Easter eggs are intriguing--what are they for, anyway?  This rock will fit in that basket just as well as that egg.  But, if you point out another egg, I'll pick it up and put it in the basket just because you want me to.  I won't smile, though.  I have to concentrate!

It was a beautiful day to be outdoors, a beautiful day for an Easter egg hunt.  Victoria hid the eggs carefully in our backyard.  Levi and Sheridan found a few, but they were most interested in helping Toby find more eggs.  He was so serious about his newly-acquired job, even though he lacked some basic understanding of its purpose. He didn't give up; he just kept plodding along, dutifully picking up each egg and placing it carefully in the basket.

Then, it was time to fill the pond!  What an adventure--holding the hose, catching the water in his hand, and running away when a little water sprayed into his face!  It seemed safer to try to climb right into the pond.  After all, it looks just like a giant bathtub, doesn't it, or like last summer's wading pool.

Oh, to see the world through a toddler's eyes once again!

In a way, that's what Easter morning is to me--a time to see, again, just what God has done for me.  Just the thought of Jesus' sacrifice is new again, and exciting, and sometimes even a little scary.  Words can't always express the way I feel when I think about Jesus' death and resurrection.  I am overwhelmed, awestruck, amazed.  I certainly don't understand all there is to know about it, just as Toby doesn't yet understand much about ponds and Easter eggs.  But, today, with his parents' help, Toby learned how to find hidden eggs.  And today, I can rejoice again in the miracle of Easter, that Jesus died for me, rose again, and lives forever. 

He is risen!  He is risen indeed!  That's all I need to know.


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