The Wind Blew

Today, the wind blew.  And blew, and blew some more.  It was a horrific west wind, blowing steadily at nearly sixty miles an hour.  When the wind blows that hard in March, at the end of a dry winter, the topsoil blows, too.  Anyone unfortunate enough to be outdoors this afternoon ended up eating dirt.  Visibility was near zero.  Today's wind caused several car accidents, and damaged some property.  And it isn't done blowing yet.  It's March, after all.  We all know that March is historically a windy month, at least here in Nebraska.

When we lived in Michigan, I was surprised to find that the wind doesn't blow much there.  Oddly, I found that I missed the wind.  A rare, gentle breeze would instantly remind me of Nebraska and home, but even more, it reminded me that God was present with me in the wind, even though I was far from home. 

Since then, I find that windy days always remind me that God is here with me, and that he is ultimately in control of all things.  That's why I love to feel a cool, refreshing breeze at the end of a hot summer's day; it reminds me of God's presence.  The wind before a thunderstorm brings with it the fresh, sweet smell of rain, and the assurance that God loves me.  A wind like today's punishing gale reminds me that God is all-powerful, an awesome force to be feared and revered.

In John 3:8, Jesus said, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."   It's true; we can't see the wind, but we can certainly hear it.  We can't see where it goes, but we see its effects and feel its mighty power.   It is the same with the Holy Spirit.  We can't see him but, if we seek him, we will understand where he is leading.  We can't see where he goes, but we can see what he does in us and in the people around us.  Even though we can't see him, we can see the evidence of his mighty power. 

I don't always welcome Nebraska's cold, brisk wind.  I prefer gentle, balmy breezesBut, whatever the weather, I thank God for using the wind to draw me closer to him.

Holy Spirit, truth divine, Shine upon these eyes of mine;
Send your radiance from above, Let me know my Savior’s love.

Holy Spirit, power divine, Fortify this will of mine;
Bend it to your own pure will, All my life with graces fill.

Holy Spirit, peace divine, Still this restless heart of mine;
Speak to calm the tossing sea, Stayed in your tranquility.

Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this self of mine;
I your temple pure would be Now and for eternity.
Andrew Reed (1817)


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