Abide With Me

It has been a tough month in our community.  A young marine died suddenly and inexplicably in his California barracks, leaving his parents and younger brothers in shock.  A horrific traffic accident claimed the life of one young mom and leaves another clinging to life in a hospital halfway across the state.  A friend's dearly loved family member died, seemingly before it was time.

     Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
     The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide...
Even when we are not directly affected by unexpected death, such tragedies make us stop and think about our own mortality.  If you are like me, your mind flashes back to past trauma in your own life, or in the lives of those you love.  We empathize with those who have lost so much, because we understand, all too well, just what agony they may experience.

     Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; 
     Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away...

I think back to that life-changing accident--can it be thirty-five years ago?  Bill and I were driving home from our Friday evening Bible study, when another car crossed the center line and hit us nearly head on.  Everyone said it was a miracle that no one was killed in that accident.  I remember it so clearly, just how God provided for us in the midst of that turmoil.

     I need Thy presence every passing hour;     
     What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?

To begin with, a friend had asked to borrow our car, so we were driving our beast of a pickup instead.  We rarely wore our seat belts but, for some reason, Bill had fastened his that night.  I remember yelling "Look out!" as the other car veered into our path.  Bill swerved just enough.  When I regained consciousness on the floor of the pickup, I was immediately aware that I was praying and that God was with us.  His peace surrounded me, encompassing both of us.  Bill was unconscious next to me in the driver's seat, but I was totally calm, perhaps in shock, but bathed in God's peace.  I knew that I had no need to fear, and that everything would be fine.

     Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
     Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies...

And everything was fine, eventually.  The four kids in the backseat of the other car were uninjured, perhaps because the cakes in their laps, which had been won in the cakewalk at their school's penny carnival, had cushioned them during the accident.  In fact, only Bill and the other driver sustained serious enough injury to be kept in the hospital for a few days, and both recovered completely.  That's a pretty amazing statement, since Bill had a skull fracture and serious concussion that kept him from working for many weeks.
     When other helpers fail, and comforts flee,
     Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me!    

So now, as I think about these recent tragedies that affect so many people in our community, I can't help but wonder why.  Why does God allow such things to happen to the people he loves?  Why do some recover, while others are gone so soon?

     Change and decay in all around I see:  
     Oh, Thou who changest not, abide with me!

I am reminded, yet again, that God doesn't promise us easy lives here in this sin-sick world.  Because of sin, we will all suffer hardship at some time in our earthly lives, and all of us will die sooner or later.  But, God promises to stay with us and provide everything we need to make it through the tough times that come our way.  And, ultimately, he offers eternal life to all who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

     Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? 
     Through cloud and sunshine, oh, abide with me!   

So, today I am thinking of those who grieve.  I pray that all of them may know that God is with them, ready to comfort them and give them the strength they need to make it through this hard time that they face.  I pray that each one will know God's great love.  And, I pray that God will give each one his peace.
     Heaven's morning breaks, and Earth's vain shadows flee--
     In life, in death, oh Lord, abide with me!                              

      Abide With Me; Henry F. Lyte; 1847


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