Happy New Year!

It is 2014, at last!  A New Year, a fresh start--the coming days are mostly unknown to us, but full of promise.  Oh, we have some hints of what lies ahead, it's true.  Here in Nebraska, January will undoubtedly have it's share of cold wintry days, but spring will assuredly follow winter, just as it always has.  Our days will probably follow the same familiar routines of work or school.  For most of us, our busy lives will continue much as they have for the past year or two.

Yet, for many people, a new year signals another chance for a fresh start in life.  We hear about their New Year's resolutions to stop some nasty habit or start a new, improved practice.  For some, this new calendar year provides a convenient time to attempt necessary changes in lifestyle.

I rarely make New Year's resolutions; in fact, I don't think I have ever made one. Yet, at times, we all find ourselves making adjustments in our lives.  Sometimes, we need to rethink our choices of little things, like the food we eat or the activities we do; sometimes, we reconsider our choices of bigger, more essential things, like our jobs and relationships.  Some of us make these choices with little input from other people.  Some of us consider the wants and needs of our family and friends, or even co-workers, and discuss our options with them.  Some people seek God's guidance everyday, while others struggle with good intentions.


For many years, Proverbs 3: 5-6 has been one of my favorite Bible passages.  It says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight These words remind me that God knows what the future holds for me; if I trust in Him, He will stay with me and show me where (and how) to go.  He will direct my steps.

During the past few months, I have been compelled to share the music God has given me over the last forty-some years.  I've learned that the songs he has given are of great value to him, and are meant to be shared.  I like to make excuses like, "I'm too shy and embarrassed to sing these songs for other people," or "This music isn't good enough," or "I don't know how to record or publish music," or even, "No one wants to hear it."  However, my excuses haven't changed anything.  I still know that God wants me to share this music, even though I feel uncomfortable at times.  So, I've learned to use YouTube and Facebook and this blog to dispense the music.  Only God knows his purpose; it will be interesting to see what the future brings.

As I was reviewing music recently, I was a little surprised to realize just how many Christmas songs there were.  The first was written way back when I was a teenager; the most recent happened in early December.  I've chosen to share some of these with you during the past month.  ("Chosen" is not really the right word--see the above paragraph for clarification.)  I had planned to start this new year with one more "sort-of" Christmas song, but it will have to wait.  Instead, I'm going to share a brand new song, a more appropriate song for this new year, based on Proverbs 3: 5-6.  I pray that each of you will resolve to trust in the Lord with all your heart, throughout 2014.  It isn't an easy thing to do, but he will direct your steps.

Click on the arrow, below, to hear Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart.



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