Parsley and Petunias, and ISIS

I didn't need a coat when I was working in the yard today.  The grass is still green and growing, even though a small patch of snow was melting in the shade.  My rose bushes still have leaves and slightly faded blossoms.  The parsley, oregano, and thyme are lush and green, just waiting for me to pick it all, and dry it tomorrow  The purple petunias in my barrel are still blooming beautifully.

It's the middle of November!  Yes, we've had frost.  It even snowed a couple of inches on Wednesday.  But, for the most part, we've enjoyed a beautiful fall, with balmy daytime temperatures and little wind.  It's been quite a contrast to last year, when the snowy, bitter weather began in early September, and continued into mid-May.

I've heard that we can thank El Nino for our temperate fall and the predicted mild, wet winter yet to come.  It's hard to believe that warmer-than-usual water in the Pacific Ocean can effect the weather here in the middle of our country, but forecasters say that this particularly strong weather phenomenon may wreak havoc with the weather all over the world.  For us, it may mean a warmer, snowier winter.  On the up side, it may mean that drought-devastated California may get the rain they so desperately need; we can only pray that heavy rains there this winter don't lead to widespread flooding and mud slides.  The people in California need some reasonable weather, for a change.

Right now, though, I am thanking God for this gorgeous fall weather.  Before we know it, I'll even be thanking him for snow because, for the first time in decades, every snowy day will be a snow day for me.  As long as Bill is in town, I will be able to stay at home while he drives Victoria to college.  I can light a fire in the fireplace, heat up a cup of cocoa, and watch through the window as the mesmerizing snowflakes fall outside, while I stay inside where the weather is always comfortably warm and dry.

Today is one of those days when I would rather talk about the weather than that obvious "elephant in the room," yet another terrorist attack, this time in Paris.  I don't want to write a blog about that.  I don't even want to think about it.  Even so, I've spent some time last night, and again today while I was working outside, considering the ramifications of this outrageous tragedy, praying for the people in France.

This newest situation doesn't give us much to be thankful for today, but I'm trying.  After all, it is November.  Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away.  So, today I am thanking God for the weather, and for parsley and petunias.  And for the first responders in Paris.  And that incidents like this often draw people together to fight against evil.  And that, even during the worst times, God promises to stay with us.

My morning devotion, from Jeremiah 29: 11, gave me hope:  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Perhaps we could ask God to send a little El Nino surprise over to the Middle East, and dump a mountain of snow right on top of ISIS.  That would certainly keep them busy for a while!  But, I guess we will just have to trust God, instead. He's the only one who knows the future.  Even ISIS is in God's hands.


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