Top Ten Thanks

It's November--time to think about what I'm thankful for this year.  I am glad that our country has a long-standing holiday set aside for thankfulness, to help us remember that there are so many reasons to thank God for his blessings.  That doesn't mean that we aren't thankful during the other eleven months, though.  I guess that our fall Thanksgiving season just serves to focus our thoughts, to help us remember how blessed we are all year long.  So, in no particular order, here are the top ten things that I am thanking God for this year:

  1. Bill survived a heart attack in April, and is doing well since then.
  2. Victoria is working hard at college, and is happy there.
  3. Levi is having a good school year; I am especially grateful for his caring sixth-grade teachers.
  4. Erin moved to Cheyenne this summer; she is thriving in her new job as director of instrumental music at LCCC, and we are thrilled to be able to see her often.
  5. Meagan and Andy live close enough that we can see them (and our 2.7 grandchildren!) as often as we wish.
  6. We are able to spend significant time with Bill's dad and my parents.
  7. I am able to see well enough to drive.
  8. Readily available medical care and appropriate medication enable each of us to live fairly normal, mostly pain-free lives.
  9. We live at a time when we have an abundance of modern conveniences that make our lives so easy.  I am thankful for electricity, running water, instant hot water, modern appliances, convenient transportation, and supermarkets!
  10. We live in a country where we are free to praise God for making us, for continuing to care for us each day, and for sending Jesus to rescue us from our sins.


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