Be Still

Christmas will soon be here. If you are like me, you may feel like you are drowning in the flurry of activity that accompanies the season. So much shopping to finish, wrapping, decorating, Christmas programs and parties, baking and meal preparation. I love it all! But it is too easy to get wrapped up in the outward trappings of Christmas. 

We mustn't forget why we celebrate. Even the very word, Christmas, tells the story: Christmas is the time that people assemble together to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Like all people everywhere, Jesus did not stay a baby. He grew up to fulfill his purpose on Earth. He was born to die in our place, take away our sins, and rise again in triumph so that those who trust in him can live with him forever.

It's just a few days until we will get together with family and friends to celebrate Jesus' birthday. What a joyous time it will be! But as we wait, as we complete our preparations, we might need to slow down a little, and just be still for a while. Let's take time out of our busy schedules to spend time with the living God, to contemplate his goodness, and to offer him our praise.

With that in mind, I've recorded a song, taken from Psalm 46, that encourages us to "Be still and know that He is God."  You may click on the YouTube link below to hear this song.

Be Still

Be still, so still; Be still and know;
Be still and know that He is God.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace;
Exalt His holy Name in all the Earth!
Be still and know our God. Be still and know our God.

We praise the Living God, Author of life, Messiah, Spirit of God;
Exalt His holy Name in all the Earth!
Come praise the living God; Come praise the Living God! 


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