An Elephant Never Forgets

Most of us have heard that saying, "An elephant never forgets." It's true that elephants are among the most intelligent animals in all of God's creation. At 11 pounds, an adult elephant's brain has more mass than that of any other land animal.

Elephants are known to live in family groups of up to 25 female and juvenile elephants. Individual elephants often form lifelong bonds with other elephants, and actually mourn the loss of other elephants from their herd. When an elephant dies, other elephants will gather around their dead family member. Sometimes, grieving elephants even cry real, visible tears as they mourn the loss of another elephant. Some elephants remain at the site of a death for several days before they move on. It isn't unusual for an elephant to return, repeatedly, to the place where a friend or family member died. I guess it's true: an elephant never forgets.

From a purely scientific standpoint, we can say that human beings are a lot like elephants. We, too, are intelligent beings who form close friendships and lifelong family bonds. Like the elephants, we grieve deeply when a loved one dies. We never forget those who have been nearest and dearest to us.

To help with the whole grief process, we gather around the surviving family members to offer hugs and encouragement and prayers. We bring food. We send cards and flowers. We contribute money, designated to provide some sort of memorial to the person who is gone from our lives. We attend funerals and memorial services, both formal and informal, as a way to help us make sense of our loss, and to provide a final summary of a loved one's life here on earth. And, as Christians, we remind each other that this is not really the end.

When we trust in Jesus for salvation and eternal life, we can look forward to seeing our loved ones again someday, in heaven. That knowledge takes away the finality of death. Oh, death is still incredibly difficult. The death of a close friend or family member can leave a real hole in our daily lives. We still grieve, and that's just the way it should be. But we have hope.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23


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