BLTs--Bauer Style

I walked out to the garden this evening to pick anything that was ripe--more green beans than I was expecting, a solitary cucumber, a wealth of little grape tomatoes, several Romas, and two nice, plump Beefsteak tomatoes. It was a good harvest for a balmy, early October day. And the biggest tomatoes were just perfect for BLTs!

I've loved bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches for as long as I can remember. I've ordered toothpick-skewered, triple-decker sandwiches from a restaurant, now and then, over the years. They are a little hard to eat, but always savory and delicious.

I prefer my BLTs on two slices of whole wheat or whole grain bread, lightly toasted, with nice, crisp bacon, a little crunchy, green lettuce, and thin-sliced, garden fresh tomatoes. And, in my family, we always serve BLT's the Bauer way, with a fried egg inside.

We started making our BLTs with eggs when our girls were little, when we figured out that Erin really didn't like tomatoes. So, to fill out her sandwich, we always included an egg, smashed flat and lightly fried in a little bacon grease. It wasn't long before we were all eating eggs inside our BLTs, or perhaps I should say, BELTs.

Tonight, Levi ate a bacon and lettuce sandwich, with a beautiful basted egg on the side, because he likes those soft egg yolks that don't work too well on a sandwich. But Bill and I enjoyed our decked-out BLTs, with eggs inside.

Our first frost will arrive in a couple of weeks, and then BLT season will come to an end. But there are several more Beefsteak tomatoes ripening out in the garden, so we should be able to have BLTs again before fall settles in. There's nothing quite like a freshly picked, ripe tomato slice on a BLT.


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