Younger Every Day?

I was combing my hair a while back, right after a haircut, when I leaned in closer to the mirror so I could see a little better. I wasn't imagining things; my hair, at least in the front, was much browner than it used to be!

My hair has been increasingly silver, with a rather large white streak in the back, for several years now. (I guess I should be glad that silver hair is so popular, right now, that even younger women are purposefully dyeing their hair various shades of silver.) I've never colored my hair, so it has been interesting, although a bit maddening, I'll admit, to watch the progression from my natural dark brown to multi-faceted silver tresses. I never really expected to see that brown hair again.

Most women my age have colored their hair for years, so they have to trust their roots to tell them what their natural, undyed color might be. Who would have guessed that graying hair might sometimes return closer to its original color?

I've been mulling this over, wondering why, and I've come to some possible conclusions for this unexpected phenomenon. I haven't had any eye surgeries now for a couple of years, and I've been officially retired from teaching, too, so those stressors are gone. Levi is becoming more independent and behaviorally appropriate, so that probably helps, also. I'm eating healthy foods and taking the vitamins my doctor recommends; I know that increased vitamins have a positive effect on hair growth, so perhaps they affect color, as well. I sing more than ten minutes a day, but that is nothing new; what's new is the theory that daily singing increases lifespans. If so, I suppose it's possible that singing, as it relieves stress, could also keep hair from turning gray. And, finally, I've upped my exercise level significantly over the past year, walking at least a mile a day, and sometimes two or even three miles. The extra physical activity can't hurt, and added sunshine has been known to change hair color.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if such simple lifestyle choices could actually reverse the whole aging process?

I've heard it said that, from the day we are born, we begin the process of dying. It's the unavoidable result of sin. We don't like it, but we can't do much about it. We might extend our lives by a few years, if we make good choices, but we can't eliminate death altogether, no matter how hard we try. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

I'm so thankful that God, our Father, sent Jesus to take care of this problem for us. Here on Earth, we cannot grow physically younger each day, but we have the hope of eternal life, where we will no longer have to be concerned about growing old.

I wonder what color my hair will be in Heaven...


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