Chocolate Covered Cherries

A few days ago, Bill handed me a red box of chocolate covered cherries, wished me an early "Happy Valentine's Day," and pointed out that they were dark chocolate.

Bill knows I've loved chocolate covered cherries ever since my grandpa started sharing his with me. You see, Grandpa was a rural letter carrier at a time when his patrons always left small Christmas gifts in their mailboxes for their letter carrier. Since chocolate covered cherries were consistently available at Christmas time, and relatively cheap besides, Grandpa invariably ended up with several boxes. While he appreciated the thoughtfulness behind the gifts, he really didn't like chocolate covered cherries at all. So, his three grandkids benefited from his unappreciated windfall.

Today, as I stumbled into the kitchen to take my morning meds, Bill handed me a large red gift bag with a shiny red bow on it. Once again, he uttered those appropriate words, "Happy Valentine's Day!" I thought last week's chocolate covered cherries were my Valentine's gift, so I was a little surprised with today's offering. But when I opened the bag, there were six more boxes of chocolate covered cherries, some traditional milk chocolate, but mostly the dark chocolate ones I like the best.

This year, I just got Bill a card for Valentine's Day. I usually get him a heart-shaped box of chocolate, but last year's candy is still sitting, unopened, in a drawer right next to a candy orange (or two) he got for Christmas a few years ago. Bill likes to stockpile his candy until he really needs it.

It doesn't matter, because I know how much Bill likes cards. And besides, I have plenty of chocolate covered cherries to share.

Happy Valentine's Day!

We love because He first loved us.
 1 John 4:19


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