Back to School

Today was my last day of summer vacation.  I've accomplished many things this summer--yard work, spring (summer?) cleaning, Bible studies, extra time with Levi and Victoria, and time with lots of other family members I don't get to see as often as I would like.  I've traveled with my family all over the state of Nebraska, into Colorado and Wyoming, and even as far as Jamaica.  These last few weeks have flown by, providing a welcome change of activity, but now it's time to get back to a more normal routine.  First thing tomorrow morning, I'll head back to school to prepare for another year of teaching. 

I don't usually stop to think what an awesome responsibility it is to teach so many little children.  That's undoubtedly a good thing, because if I spent too much time thinking about it I would probably feel overwhelmed.  I do feel privileged to work at a job I love, using the gifts God has given me to make a difference in the lives of my students.  I know I am blessed to have two conscientious aides who obviously love children, and who both do what needs to be done cheerfully, without waiting for someone to tell them what to do.  Thanks, Paula and Becky, for everything you do!  I'm also privileged to work with other teachers, para-professionals, therapists, and foster grandmas who do their jobs well.  Together, we make a pretty good team, united in our common goal.

I'm excited to meet new, starry-eyed students who will attend preschool for the first time.  I look forward to seeing our returning students as they bound into the classroom, ready for anything that comes their way.  I know that none of them can possibly realize just how much learning is ahead of them.  At three and four years old, they are just beginning a lifetime of learning. 

And I'm beginning another year of learning, too, because even teachers have to keep refining skills.  I don't know exactly what challenges this school year will bring, but I am sure that there will be challenging times.  I'm reminded of an old hymn that I've sung many times, often at the beginning of a new school year.

     With the Lord begin your task; Jesus will direct it.
     For His aid and counsel ask; Jesus will perfect it.  
     Every morn with Jesus rise, And when day is ended,
     In His name then close your eyes; Be to Him commended.

Even though I teach public school, I know that God will be there with me, guiding my teaching and my learning.  Such is life, and I am blessed.


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