March Blahs

It's March again, the month that I long for and long to see the end of.*  I don't know why I'm so anxious for spring this year, because this mild winter has been wide open, with no more than a couple of inches of snow now and then, all winter long.  But, in March, the whole world seems to exist in shades of brown.  Perhaps I'm longing for some color--green grass and leaves on the trees, red and yellow tulips.  I feel so restless, so lacking in passion, unable to decide on any one thing to write about today. 

Our wonderful new grand-baby is six weeks old, but mere words can't express all I feel about him and about being a grandma, so I'll have to write more about that later.*

Our quick ski trip to Snowy Range was great--the kids had a good time, and everyone has lots of stories to tell about snow-boarding lessons and rude snowboarders who cut people off, causing falls that could have been more serious than they were.  Everyone (except, maybe, Erin) plans to stick to skiing, rather than snowboarding, from now on. And they are already talking about next year's ski trip.

Track season has started, yet again, so Bill is scheduling everything around track practice and upcoming track meets.*  Our first pasta dinner for the team is scheduled for Thursday.   I only have to furnish the salad and bread, so I don't really need a kitchen.  The dining room is still functional; that's all that counts.

And speaking of the kitchen--I hate living in a mess, but I'm looking forward to the day, in just about a week, when all of the old cupboards will be gone and the new ones will be installed.*

Tomorrow starts my first three-day round of parent-teacher conferences.*  (More conferences in April.)   I enjoy meeting with the parents to discuss their children's progress, but I feel tired just thinking about the long days ahead.  Bill is in Philadelphia for a couple of days, so I'm thankful that Meagan can help out with after-school transportation for Levi while I'm stuck at school.

I'll breathe a brief sigh of relief when Spring Break arrives on Thursday, then I'll get down to the real business of emptying the rest of the kitchen cabinets and removing that last bit of vintage wallpaper that reappeared when we removed the built-in desk last week.  (I thought I'd seen the last of that wallpaper ten years ago!)

Daylight Savings Time has begun, so spring can't be far behind!  We've had some gorgeous March days, with 60 and 70 degree weather, intermingled with a few raw, windy days.  Sprigs of green grass are starting to appear along the edges of the dry, brown lawn.  My tulips are up, and the daffodils have buds.  I know that colorful spring days are just around the corner.

As I read over what I've just written, I can see that lots of good things have been happening.  So why do I feel so out of sorts today?  It must be the March Blahs, back again, right on schedule.  (Time to pull out my Bible and read a few Psalms.  God's unfailing love endures forever--even in March!)

*Check my blog archives, way back in March, 2011, to read "Oh, March" and "Preschool 101."  Read about "Pole Vault Passion" in the April, 2011, archives.  Check the January, 2012, archives to read about "The Nursery" and "Baby Tobin."  And look back just one post, in March, 2012, to read "Time for a New Kitchen."


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