Time For A New Kitchen

Bill and I have been married for thirty-seven years. In that time together, we have lived in six different places--two apartments and four houses. Every one of those places has had the same kitchen counter tops--white laminate with metallic flecks. I'm ready for something different. Really!

The Old Kitchen
It's hard to believe that we've lived in our current house for nearly eighteen years.  The kitchen is the original one, which makes it forty-eight years old.   It was a top of the line kitchen in 1964.  Now, it's dingy and worn out.  Bill and I tore out the old, fake beams last month.  The kitchen seems so much bigger and brighter without them.  It's almost time to rip out those old cupboards.  Bill tore out the pantry and desk today so the cabinet builder can figure out how to build the new pantry around the existing laundry chute.  Or, maybe, we'll decide to remove the laundry chute altogether. 

Pantry--After tear-out

Bill took down the mantel piece, too; now we have to decide if we're going to replace it or do without.  So many decisions...

Jackson checks out the temporary fireplace "pantry."  

The cabinet maker is almost done building the new cupboards.  I went to his shop on Saturday to see them.  They are beautiful!  They will be stained in the next day or two.  It won't be long before the rest of those old cupboards will be gone, too, and the new cherry cabinets will be installed.  It seems like we've waited forever to get to this point, but there is still so much more to be done.  It will be several more weeks, at least, until everything is finished.

In the meantime, I have more cupboards to empty and more boxes to pack.  We can look forward to living in a mess for quite a while yet.  I'm sure it will be worth the wait. 




  1. You need to put pics of the new kitchen on.

    1. As soon as the new kitchen is done! We're making progress, but we have at least three weeks to go yet before everything is finished. We had to do lots of structural repair before we could get to the good stuff. We're finally installing new cabinets this week. Yay!


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