Mother's Day

Mother's Day--It was a worthwhile day.

It started with Sunday morning worship.  I got to play bass for both services, a privilege which always brings me great joy.  Then, we went out for dinner with our three local children (and son-in-law, and grandson), as well as Bill's dad and his sister's family, and Andy's parents.  I appreciated the opportunity to eat together with my family, and I enjoyed the cards they gave me.  I got to hold Tobin while he slept, and then as he woke up.  There's nothing quite like holding a snuggling grandbaby, unless it's holding a smiling, sociable grandbaby.

It was a beautiful spring day, a wonderful day to plant the pink geraniums that Bill and the kids got me for Mother's Day.  While I was at it, I pulled a few weeds and cleaned up some flower beds, while Bill turned on the underground sprinklers for the first time this spring.  Then, I took the nap I'd been longing for, finished a good book, did a little more laundry and housecleaning, and played Bay Blades with Levi.  I took time to admire the beautiful flowers that arrived from Erin on Thursday--thanks, Erin!  I watched Bill finish some of the details in the kitchen--re-installing the trash compactor, fixing the floor, putting up some baseboard.  Together, we admired the under-cabinet lighting that he finished installing this morning before church.

Flowers from Erin
I missed seeing Erin and my Mom, but I realize how blessed I am to have so much of my family living close by.  Altogether, it was a good day.  The little things made it a great Mother's Day.


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