For Victoria

Victoria says that she usually reads the summary of my blog to see if it's exciting enough for her to read the whole thing.  Hmmm...what can I stick into this first paragraph to spark her interest?  Shoes with 12-inch heels?  An adorable, furry puppy?  A picture of Justin Bieber? Yikes!!

I love new shoes, too, but because of my poor balance, I can no longer wear heels higher than an inch or two.  To tell the truth, I've never worn heels higher than three inches, because that was never the style when I was young enough to try.  To Victoria I say, "Go for it!" now while you're young and physically able.  And don't forget to thank your big sister for searching the internet to find shoes she knew you would love!

I adore tiny, furry puppies, and kittens, too.  Unfortunately, they grow up to be dogs and cats with plenty of needs of their own.  One cat and dog at a time is enough, thank you very much, and when we add them to our one headstrong teenage girl and one strong-willed young boy, they are about all we can manage right now.  Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the time, a few years in the future, when we can snuggle again with a brand new puppy or kitten.

I don't even want to address the topic of Justin Bieber.  Even my four-year-olds at preschool know all about him.  Several little girls claim him as their boyfriend.  I guess there are worse role models.  If I think back to those l-o-o-o-ng years ago when I was a young girl, I don't remember being quite so infatuated with any one recording star but, like my peers, I knew all about the Beatles and Elvis, David Cassidy and Sonny and Cher.  I suspect that our parents tolerated our new-found tastes in music about as much as I tolerate my kids' preferences now.

When I was a girl, radios, black and white TVs with three channels and maybe, record players, were the only pertinent electronics, so my parents didn't have nearly as much to supervise as parents do now.  By the time I was a teenager, cassette tape players and eight tracks made their appearance, and the personal electronic extravaganza began its ever-increasing upward spiral.  Now, kids and their parents can hardly keep up with the newest and best personal electronic devises.  It's a challenge for parents like me to help my kids balance their lives between the electronic world and the real world around us.  So I keep telling my kids, real people are much more important than things!

This week, our community is mourning the deaths of three teenaged girls, each killed in horrific car accidents that could have been prevented.  It's a parent's worst nightmare.  It's the reason we seem over-protective at times.  It's the reason we nag our kids to always wear your seatbelts, obey speed limits and train crossing signals, don't drink alcohol, and never, ever, drink and drive, or ride in a vehicle with someone else who has been drinking.  We love our kids, and we want you to be around for a very long time. 

So Victoria, put on your new dress and those amazing shoes, and go out and have fun.  Dance to the music.  Then come home and snuggle with your furry friends for a few minutes before sleep claims you for the night.  And never forget that Dad and I love you, and we always will.

May God be with you wherever you go and whatever you do.


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