What If?

On the way to church this morning, I listened as a radio personality expressed this thought:  "Out of the thousands of things God does for me in any given moment, I might happen to notice three."  Three!  I laughed to myself because, in reality, there are many times when I don't notice anything God is doing at any particular moment.  It is impossible for me to keep my thoughts on God 100% of the time.  Even when I pray, my thoughts often wander off on some tangent before I rein them back in to focus again on God.

And yet, where would I be without him?  What if he took his eyes off of me for even one second?  Where would I be then?  Poof!  Nowhere, of course, because there is no life of any kind without God.

I can't begin to list the countless things God does for me in just the blink of an eye.  I'm thankful for the sun's warmth and the ground that I walk on, but  I rarely think about either one.  I give little thought to the quality of the air I breathe or the process needed for my food to grow from a tiny seed into a mature plant.  I don't often consider my need for something so basic as gravity.  I can't detail the way each atom of my body works so perfectly to sustain my life.  The workings of my brain are mostly a mystery to me, so I don't spend much time analyzing how such a small organ can compute so much information so effortlessly.

Some people say that they can't possibly believe in a God who created us and still takes care of us.  I think it takes even more faith to believe that there is no God.  It's much more logical for me to believe that God created the Earth and everything in it than to believe that everything on the Earth evolved over billions of years from a tiny grain of sand.  Really?  And just where did that original grain of sand come from in the first place?  Complex plants and animals and human beings, each so unique, yet so wondrously configured--how can anyone think that they magically appeared, all by themselves, from nothing?  I don't have enough faith for that.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see...By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command."  Hebrews 11: 1, 3


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