Early Sunday Morning

I can only imagine what it was like.  I know how heart-wrenching it can be when good friends move away or when loved ones die.  But the disciples knew that Jesus was different.  They expected him to be with them forever.  After all, he was the son of God, wasn't he?  They didn't expect him to die, even though he had warned them that he would.

For three amazing years, Jesus' disciples had followed him everywhere he went.  They learned at his feet, reclined with him for meals, walked miles with him, and witnessed mind-boggling miracles.  They knew who he was.  But then, suddenly, horribly, he was gone, crucified like a common criminal.

They didn't expect Jesus to die like that.  They couldn't comprehend what had happened, not then.  They mourned the loss of the most amazing person they had ever known.  They agonized over his death.  No one could replace him.  They couldn't imagine a future without him.  They didn't know what to do.

Then, early Sunday morning, Jesus' followers witnessed something unimaginable.  Could it be?  Jesus was alive!  The news spread like wild fire.  The stone had been rolled away from the tomb!  The grave was empty!  Jesus was alive!  How could this be?  They saw him with their own eyes.  They saw the nail holes in his hands and feet, and the gash in his side.  It was true--he was alive!

empty tomb photo: The Tomb Is Empty! tomb.jpg

Only then did Jesus' disciples begin to remember and understand the things that he had told him, that he would die and rise again on the third day.  Only then did they realize that he had done it for them, and for all people.  Jesus had paid the penalty for sin.  Because of his tremendous sacrifice, they could be with him forever.  Forever!

How they rejoiced!  And now we, too, can rejoice because Jesus is alive.  He is risen!  He is risen, indeed, just as he said.

Early in the Morning
                                                      Janet Bauer, March 15, 2012
Early in the morning, before the sun was rising,
The disciples all were mourning; the women still were crying.
Then our Savior arose, arose from the grave;
Was dead, then arose, all people to save from their sins.

Early in the morning, as the sun was rising,
Early Sunday morning; why was it so surprising
That our Savior arose, arose from the dead?
Our Savior arose, just as He had said He would rise!

Now we sing praise to our God. We sing praise to the King.
We sing praise to our God now. Together we sing hallelujah!
Forever we sing hallelujah!

Early in the morning, as the sun was rising,
Early in the morning; just as the sun was rising,
My Jesus arose, arose from the dead.
My Jesus arose, just as He had said He would rise!

Now we sing praise to our God. We sing praise to the King.
We sing praise to our God now. Together we sing hallelujah!
Forever we sing hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
To Jesus we sing hallelujah!
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