Whiter Than Snow

I bundled up for my walk the other day, with my stocking cap on top of my balaclava, and my hood on top of that, and a warm scarf wrapped around my neck. After I pulled on my ski pants and warm boots, I zipped my coat, donned my heaviest gloves, and set off with Jackson, who was strutting along in his red and blue striped sweater, ready for a walk in any weather.

Brrr--it was downright cold, but the new-fallen half inch of snow was beautifully white beneath my feet. The wind had settled down, as it often does at sunset, so the walk was bearable, even enjoyable.

As we walked briskly along the snow-covered path, I couldn't help but think of David's lament in Psalm 51:7, where he says: Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 

After all, what is whiter than fresh snow?

One thought led to another, as I considered just how often I need the forgiveness Jesus offers. Even the Apostle Paul said, "I daily sin much," and none of us are any different. We need to be made spiritually clean, inside and out, but we don't really need to agonize over our sin, at least, not for long, because Jesus took care of our sin problem when he died on the cross in our stead. If we trust in him, we can be certain that he has made us clean, once and for all, when he took our punishment and rose again triumphantly on the day we will soon celebrate as Easter.

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18

When the pure, white "snow" that covers my sin becomes defiled by my latest sinful "footprints," I don't have to worry. When God looks at me, he sees Jesus; I am righteous in his sight, covered in a bright, stainless garment that will always be as white as snow.

As we figuratively walk through each day, we can't see what lies directly ahead, just as I can't see what lies around the next bend of the path. I don't know what the future holds for me here on Earth, but I can look beyond this earthly pathway, into the captivating sunset that lies ahead, confident that my path leads straight to Jesus.


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