Baby Evelyn

What a wonderful gift she is, little Evelyn Marie Stobel, born on December 18 at 4:41 a.m., just in time for Christmas. Big brother Tobin's footprint and hand prints decorate the shirt she wore on Christmas Day. The above picture does a pretty good job of showing what Evie is like. So far, she sleeps a lot, cries only a little, looks around with her big blue eyes. She is usually content, and that is a good thing. Evelyn was born a little later than expected, but she was definitely worth waiting for. She looks quite a bit like Tobin, and a lot like her mother's baby pictures. She weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 20 1/4 inches shortly after birth. At her first check-up this week, she weighed 6 lbs.13 oz. and had stretched out to 21 1/2 inches in length. Evelyn has long arms and fingers, and long legs and toes. She is growing quickly, probably because she nurses so efficiently. I have been told that Meagan and ...